6 CARBS that help you lose weight NATURALLY
The preconceived misconception is that if you want to lose weight then you need to axe the carbs out of your diet.
The truth is, carbs AREN’T the bad guys.
Eaten correctly, they can actually help us shred, help give us energy and also keep us fuller for longer.
In fact, carbohydrates in a moderate and balanced way is the key to maintaining and adopting a healthy meal plan and life!
6 of the best carbs to help you lose weight naturally
1. Brown rice
Brown rice is a better alternative to white rice. This is because it is a wholegrain and contains more fibre, which helps you go to the bathroom if you’re constipated and feeling bloated.
Brown rice can also help expel toxins from the body.
Check out our Black bean burrito bowl with brown rice recipe here.
2. Rolled oats
Oats are digested slowly, which helps make you feel full longer and gives you energy throughout the day. They’re also packed with fibre and have little impact on your blood sugar.
Oats, thanks to their high fibre profile, are also great for clearing the junk from your digestive system, including cholesterol, that would otherwise end up in the bloodstream.
3. Quinoa
Quinoa is a seed and is considered a complete protein, because it contains all eight essential amino acids.
Most grains are lacking in at least one amino acid, therefore this makes it a great protein source for vegans or vegetarians.
Quinoa is also being tested in research laboratories as a possible way to curb hunger and alleviate protein malnutrition in underdeveloped countries.
Check out our yummy Quinoa muffin recipe here.
4. Broccoli
Yep, broccoli is a carb!
It’s a great non-starchy carb and contains many nutrients such as folate, soluble and insoluble fibre, vitamins C and A, and calcium.
5. Barley
Barley is a great source of potassium as well as other healthy nutrients and it can also help you slim down your waistline and lose fat.
People report of their cholesterol being reduced after including barley into their diet.
6. Popcorn
Popcorn can either be good or bad, depending on what you put in it. Without a heap of salt or sugar, it’s actually a very healthy snack.
Popcorn is high in fibre and contains no cholesterol. If homemade, it can contain no additives and can help you feel fuller for longer.
Are you part of the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge?
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You’ll see results in 28 days while saving money and eating delicious family-friendly food. Find out more HERE!
Results from moms using The Healthy Mommy Plans
Cicily Goodwin
Cicily has lost over 116 pounds and is an inspiration and role model to 100,000’s of moms all over the world
Amy Sims
Amy has gone on to lose 74 pounds! Starting at 207 pounds, she now weighs 132 pounds, something she hasn’t weighed since she was 10 years old she says.
“If you’re consistent the result will come. It won’t be overnight, you’ll have to be patient, but consistency will get you there in the end,” Amy says.
Sascha Farley
Sascha has lost over 66 pounds with The Healthy Mommy and has regained her health and body confidence.