8 reasons why people gain weight in winter- and how to stop it
In winter, the temperature drops, the days become shorter and somehow we struggle to zip our jeans up! Am I right or am I right?!
In fact, according to our recent study, 53 percent of moms revealed they gained between 10 -20 pounds last winter! So, why do we tend to put on weight in the winter?
Eight reasons why people gain weight in winter:
1. It’s cold!
People tend to lose their summer exercise routine, whether it’s walking or working out at outside gymnasiums in the park.
There are no excuses, these easy indoor exercises will keep you going even if it’s cold and raining outside.
2. Comfort food is warming
For some reason, we all tend to reach for the stodgy, hearty food in the cooler season. Probably because it’s warm and comforting.
3. It’s evolutionary
Many animals hibernate in the winter, and according to researchers at the University of Exeter, it’s in our biological makeup to eat more in the colder months, because historically food was scarce in the winter. But fear not, if you’re aware of it, you can be more conscious of it.
Keep track of what you’re eating with the calorie counter on our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.
4. We sleep more
In the winter we tend to want to sleep more, we go to bed earlier and wake up later. This may be because our body clocks usually associate the dark mornings and evenings with night time.
5. Winter affects our hormones
The lack of sunlight can affect our hormones. And we tend to feel more groggy when the sun isn’t out.
6. We feel depressed
Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD is a type of depression and is due to the lack of sunlight. When people feel a bit down, they tend to eat more.
7. We hide under layers
It’s easy to hide our bodies under baggy, warm clothing in the winter months.
8. Metabolism changes in the winter
The colder weather can affect our metabolism. And this may cause us to change our eating patterns – we may tend to eat more and crave heartier food.
But fear not, we’re here to help you look your BEST, no matter what season!
5 ways to keep ontop of your weight loss journey this winter
1. Mix Up Your Exercise Regime
Often women are scared of weights as they think they will bulk up with too much muscle. If you keep your weights relatively light and increase the repetitions you will not bulk up. In fact, it takes a long time to achieve a bulky look.
Weights are also a great way to increase your metabolism which is beneficial during the winter months. This is because lean muscle tissue uses more energy during the day than the fat in your body. So if you build up your lean muscle through weights your metabolism will increase and burn more energy resulting in great weight loss.
2. Cut it out
This refers to the little things that we add to our meals or drinks that are unnecessary kilojoules or calories.
Sugar in your coffee, pre-made pasta sauces, butter in your sandwich. These little extras do not add much nutritionally except for energy, which is what can creep up and stop us from losing weight. Sometimes it is these little things that when you add them all up, are actually a defining feature of our lifestyle and poor habits.
3. Swap it
Source: iStock
- Like full cream milk? Swap it with skim.
- Like butter on your sandwich? Swap it for hummus.
- Like sausage rolls? Make your own at home and use lean mince and reduced fat puff pastry. See our amazing Healthy Homemade Veggie Sausage Rolls recipe here.
There are better options to most things that similarly to the ‘Cut It Out’ point, if you swap it, you will reduce you kilojoule and calorie intake which will help with losing weight or not gaining it over winter. It all adds up!
4. Heat it up
Too cold for brekky. Don’t skip it, heat it up. Try our Cinnamon oatmeal recipe or scrambled eggs.
Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day and has been shown in some studies to increase your metabolism by 10 percent. Try a brekky which is high in fibre and protein to keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer.
5. Join Our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge
For more delicious and healthy recipes join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge. You’ll have access to THOUSANDS of recipes, hundreds of exercises you can easily do at home and 24/7 support to help BUSY, TIRED MOMS shift the baby weight.
Each month we have a DIFFERENT Challenge theme – so you’ll never get bored and keep motivated to ACHIEVE your weight loss goals.
Find out more about our challenge here.
Amazing Results From Mums On The 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge
1.Rae Willingham
Mom of three children young children, Rae, has overcome negative self-belief in the face of some very big obstacles. After losing 55 pounds and maintaining her goal weight with The Healthy Mommy 28 Day Weight Loss challenges she says:
“I am no longer the girl who suffered debilitating anxiety and regular panic attacks. The one full of excuses not to go out and enjoy life. I am now this amazing butterfly who loves her life and lives it with no worries (well far fewer, I am still a woman after all!)”.
2. Jo Hart
Jo Hart not only rocks her new bikini, she has lost 84 pounds with The Healthy Mommy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges.
She says: “I am proud of the change I have made for not only me but for my family too”.