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9 STRESS-FREE tips for packing a lunch box for yourself and your kids

Scenario: You’re trying to get the kids ready for school, their lunch box is half packed and its 8.30 am. You don’t even have the time to think for a second about what you’re going to pack for lunch at work today so you just grab the kids and go!

When lunch time rolls around you realize you didn’t pack anything so you opt for buying something ‘easy’ which usually means not the healthiest choice.

We’ve all been here! Especially mum Robyn who’s now lost 59 pounds through the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

“Lunch used to mean grabbing a quick lunch special in my break, normally Thai” she says.

However since joining The Healthy Mommy and following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges, Robyn’s lunch (and her children’s lunch boxes) have changed DRAMATICALLY.

Robyn says, “I now make all of our snacks and lunches. I pack everyone a lunch box the night before so it’s ready in the morning.”

Don’t let the stress of packing your kids lunch boxes be the downfall of your own healthy eating habits.

Robyn’s 9 tips that work when packing a lunch box for yourself and the kids

1. Use recipes from the Healthy Mommy Challenge App

“I make sure I am picking recipes and snacks from the Challenge that include lots of fruits and vegetables. Carrot sticks, cucumber, cherry tomatoes are so quick and really easy to pop into lunches. My daughter loves the cheesy broccoli bites in her lunch.”

Get the free recipe.

2. Meal prep


“Meal prep –  I do a big cook up on a Sunday, and always double batches. It means I have healthy snacks for the week and also add to my freezer stash.”

See 10 tips for meal prepping on a budget from a mom who’s lost over 70 lbs

3. Don’t force yourself to eat things you don’t like


“The greatest thing The Healthy Mommy has taught me is that healthy food can still taste amazing. I still eat all the foods I love, even donuts!” (get the free Healthy Mini Donut recipe)

4. Pack each food group


“I aim to have: fruit, vegetables, protein, dairy and whole grains packed.”

5. Use leftovers


“If I have leftover vegetables or meats from dinner I use it in a salad the next day for a quick lunch. I also cook extras at dinner so I can use them for lunches.”

6. Involve the kids


“My children have a say in what goes in their lunch box. My daughter helps me choose 2 or 3 snacks to make from either the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge recipe hub.

She loves looking at all the recipes and also loves to help me make the snacks.”

7. Make it fun!


“I try and mix up the types of foods in our lunch boxes and aim for lots of color! Cookie cutters can be a great way to cut up sandwiches or vegetables.”

8. Add a smoothie


“I keep peeled bananas and berries in my freezer for smoothies.” 

9. Pack water


“It’s so important to stay hydrated.

I also add some berries into their water and I make sure I take my water bottle to work.”

Well, there you have it. Awesome tips from Healthy Mummy Robyn to help you nail healthy lunch box treats and recipes.

Spend your time on more precious things, and have your lunch boxes packed the night before by getting ideas from many recipes (and save money whilst doing it)!

Want more tips for healthy eating? Join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge

Want to shift your baby weight but feel like you have NO TIME in your day to exercise and eat healthily? That’s where the Healthy Mommy’s 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge can help.

Our Challenge entails:

  • 28 days of at home exercise routines (no gym needed) – with video instruction
  • Customisable and breastfeeding friendly meal plans
  • Time-efficient exercises for busy mums – under 30 mins
  • Challenge combines Pilates exercises with interval and circuit training (HIIT)
  • Suitable for basic to advanced fitness levels.
  • Home to thousands of EASY-TO-MAKE recipes.

To find out more on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge click here.

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