How to get rid of cellulite – by a mom who did it
If you feel self-conscious about the appearance of cellulite on your legs and bottom you won’t want this miss this!
Healthy Mommy, Gemma shares the simple steps that have helped her dramatically reduce her cellulite and lose 22 lbs.
Gemma encourages moms who want results like hers to join her in doing the Healthy Mommy’s 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and make every day count.
Read her simple steps for reducing cellulite and getting bikini bottom ready below.
Depressed by the cellulite covering her legs and bottom, mom Gemma is now celebrating her weight loss and wowing us with her cellulite reduction and bootylicious transformation.
No need to spend money on expensive creams that promise the world. These steps are simple, affordable and effective.
Why did you join the Healthy Mommy program?
Gemma is 32 years old and before the birth of her daughter, she always felt self-conscious about her legs and bottom.
“I would never feel comfortable looking in the mirror at my lower half.”
“I had suffered from the worst cellulite. My bottom and my legs were covered in cellulite and this made me very depressed.”
She would never wear bikini bottoms or shorts at the pool or beach for fear that someone was looking at her cellulite.
“When the Healthy Mommy came into my life, I felt blessed as this was my starting point to banish the cellulite for good!”
“My body has changed and I’m feeling on top of my game”
By following the Healthy Mommy’s 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge Gemma lost 22 lbs. But her biggest personal achievement is her cellulite reduction.
“My body has changed! I’m so much more confident in my bikini bottom and I can now wear shorts without feeling self-conscious about my cellulite.
I’m 32 and feeling on top of my game! My mind and body have transformed into a happier and healthier version of myself!”
How Gemma reduced her cellulite and got bikini bottom ready
“For the first six months, I simply followed the steps below and was getting amazing results.’
1. The Healthy Mommy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge
‘This helped me get started on my cellulite reduction journey – you can join the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge here.’
2. Replaced ‘coffee only’ breakfast with a proper meal
“I replaced my practically non-existent breakfast of coffee, with one Healthy Mommy breakfast each day. These give me the energy I need to get up and get going for the day.”
3. Water and lots of it
“Once upon a time water was non-existent to me. Now I’m drinking lots of water. It really helps reduce cellulite as it rehydrates my skin.”
4. Cut out processed sugars, white flours, bread and rice
“When I cut out processed sugars, white flours, bread, and rice and replaced them with a healthier alternative such as wholemeal flour and started making all the amazing Healthy Mommy foods and snacks my body started changing!”
5. Stopped buying sauces in a jar
“We stopped buying jars of pasta sauce, dressing and stir fry sauces which are all full of sugar. The Healthy Mommy has taught me to make my own delicious sauces from scratch!”
6. Replaced sugary treats with healthy alternatives
After seeing great results Gemma decided to go one step further and join The Healthy Mommy’s 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.
This is when her results became even more dramatic.
“Once I became a challenge member, I started working out a few days a week and this helped my cellulite disappear further! The daily circuit exercises are amazing particularly Tabata, which is great for tightening your muscles and reducing the appearance of cellulite!”
7. Signed up to the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges and followed meal plans on the Healthy Mommy App
“I love being a 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge member and having access to the Recipe Hub on the Healthy Mommy App. I can view my suggested meal plan or simply search whatever ingredient I have and bam! Healthy delicious recipes galore!”
8. Worked out a few days a week
“The daily circuit exercises are amazing. Tabata is great to tighten your muscles and reduce the appearance of cellulite! And I found walking, running and using an exercise bike was great too. It is important to keep those legs moving.”
9. Daily squats
“I’ve found squatting has really helped my bottom gain shape and reduce the appearance of cellulite.”
10. Dry scrubbing problem areas
“I found dry scrubbing the skin works to take away all the dead skin cells and allows new skin cells to produce.”
How do you stay motivated?
“I reflect back to when I first started my journey and compare my body to where it is today! This pushes me to keep going strong.
I also love reading the motivating stories and inspiring tips on the Healthy Mommy Facebook group!”
What would you say to other moms who want to lose weight and banish their cellulite?
“Start right now! Today is the beginning point for your journey.
You don’t have to go hardcore. Just take every step in your own time. Do what you learn and you will change your life.
This process has really helped me to achieve near cellulite free skin!”
The Healthy Mommy team would like to thank Gemma for sharing her story with us. We think she looks absolutely fabulous and can’t wait to see her rocking out in her bikini this summer.
Are you ready to be a Healthy Mommy?
If you are wanting to lose weight and improve your energy – not to mention – help improve your overall health and wellbeing – our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge is an awesome program to check out.
Our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge includes:
- 28 days of at home exercise routines (no gym needed) – with video instruction
- Customizable and breastfeeding friendly meal plans (including 7 Day Cleanse)
- Time-efficient exercises for busy moms – under 30 minutes
- Challenge combines Pilates exercises with interval and circuit training (HIIT)
- Suitable for basic to advanced fitness levels
- Home to a library of EASY-TO-MAKE recipes!
*Images and references to pounds lost are as supplied by the individual in the story. The Healthy Mommy assumes information and photographs supplied to be true in nature and is not responsible for any false misrepresentations or claims relating to their programs or products.