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Help! I’ve Fallen Off The 28 Day Weight Loss Wagon

What do you do when you’ve fallen off the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge wagon?

You started out with the best intentions and were doing a great job and then life got in the way; your children got sick, you had to work longer hours, you got sick, your in-laws had to come and stay, you took on too much and didn’t have any time to exercise…you know how it goes.

Here are our top tips if anything like this happens to you when participating in the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge to ensure you can continue on to achieving your weight loss goals!

Top Tips For Getting Back On Track

1. Just Hop Back On That Horse

The first thing to do when life has thrown its curve balls at you is to just get back on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge wagon. Don’t dwell on the unhealthy food choices you may have made or how many days of exercise you’ve missed. Instead, just get back on track – do some exercise, choose some healthy meal options and prepare them.

2. Make Smaller Goals

Maybe make your goals a bit smaller and more achievable.

If you’ve had a bad couple of days where you haven’t been able to achieve what you wanted, just start small again. Do a shorter burst of exercise, choose something simple for dinner, like a wrap with salad and cooked chicken, or a bowl of soup that you’ve already prepared and is tucked away in the freezer.

3. Get Moving

Just do something. Even if it’s a short walk to the store to grab some milk or a 15-minute interval training session, getting up and being a little active often encourages you to do a bit more i.e. that short walk to the store may turn into a longer walk around the neighborhood.

4. Cook something lovely for your next meal

While emotional eating is not an ideal way to cope with anger, frustration or sadness, you can still use good food to make you feel better! Get on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge app and find something that you really fancy for your next meal. Why not try this delicious Chicken Macro Bowl?

Protein packed chicken and avocado macro bowl

5. Mix Things Up

Try a new type of exercise to change things up a bit. Try one of the gentle stretching exercises on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge app, or invite a friend to do a few laps at the local swimming pool followed by a cup of herbal tea at the cafe. Trying something new and including a companion can make exercising so much more interesting.

6. Stay Positive

Be positive and move forward. There’s no point in thinking about all that you’ve missed out on or how many unhealthy food choices you’ve made as this kind of thinking won’t make you feel good about yourself. Think about the great things you have achieved so far. How well you started off with the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and how this instant you can continue on with these great achievements by getting up and getting active.

7. Stay Positive

If you’re finding that you don’t have time to fit everything in and don’t already use a diary then get one and write in time slots when you are going to exercise. Stick to these time slots like you would an appointment or work commitment.


Add food prep time into your diary too so that you start off each week on the right foot and will be less likely to reach for unhealthy food choices as you have so many healthy options prepared or ready to go.  Read our AMAZING meal prep tips here.

Try not to feel too overwhelmed, just move on from what’s happened or what has prevented you from following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge in the way you’ve wanted to and get back into it and you’ll soon start feeling great again and ready to conquer the world!

Need more support?

Be sure to join our online support group! When women support each other incredible things happen.

To find out more about our online support group, click here. 

Are you ready to become a Healthy Mommy?

28 Day Challenge
Regain your body confidence with The Healthy Mommy’s 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

Our Challenge is designed by moms FOR MOMS – to help them reach their goal weight and tackle their health and fitness.

The Challenge is home to customizable meal plans, 24/7 social support and realistic exercises moms can do AT HOME.

To find out more on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge click here.

*Images and references to pounds lost are as supplied by the individual in the story. The Healthy Mommy assumes information and photographs supplied to be true in nature and is not responsible for any false misrepresentations or claims relating to their programs or products.

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