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How to lose weight over 45

When you hit the age of 45 you may begin to notice that you’ll have a harder time keeping off the weight.

It’s a fairly common occurrence ahead of menopause and often called the middle-age spread.

In fact, experts say you’ll burn about 200 fewer calories by the age of 45. But don’t throw in the towel – you can still get in your best shape yet. Here’s how…

Happy woman riding on exercise bike at the gym


How women over the age of 45 can lose weight

You are NEVER too old or young to have a healthy active life. When it comes to the over 45s, there are some changes you can make to help maximise your weight loss.

The reason you might find more fat clinging to your tummy and thighs is down to the hormonal changes of menopause.

And like our metabolism, we also begin to lose muscle in our 40s.

Here’s how to help yourself stay in shape

1. Sleep more


Women often admit to feeling more fatigued when they hit 40. It may be that your body needs a bit more time to recuperate each night.

2. Move more

Our metabolism decreases as we get older, so in order to boost it aim to do more physical activity than you were doing before. You could try walking everywhere or including more exercises in your day.

3. Do more weights

Help build up your muscle mass by doing weights as well as press ups and other muscle-building exercises.

4. Add more time to your workouts

Try adding an extra 10 minutes to your exercise regime to offset your slower metabolism.

5. Drink more water

Water helps boost your metabolism, so make sure you’re having at least 6-8 glasses a day.

6. Don’t over eat


Once you hit 45, you’ll notice that naughty food you could eat in your 20s and 30s you may not be able to anymore without them going to your thighs. Choose more fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

7. Limit your alcohol

belly fat and alcohol


Alcohol is jam packed with calories and it can also interrupt your sleep.

8. See your doctor

You may need medication to help regulate your hormones.

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