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Men’s public bathrooms now legally have to have a change table in them

Changing the baby’s nappy isn’t just down to women anymore in New York, as men’s public bathrooms now legally have to have a change table in them.

All other countries should take note…


Men’s bathrooms must include change tables now

From the beginning of the year, public bathrooms in the Big Apple must include changing tables which are accessible to both genders.

As let’s face it, not all moms are out with their kids in public and it can be tricky if dads need to change their child and there isn’t anywhere available for them to do this.


A movement started two years ago on social media, which was called #squatforchange. Dads shared their frustrations about how they’ve had to sit on the floor in public places in order to change their kids.

There must now be at least one changing table accessible to both mums and dads per publicly-accessible floor.

Building owners or managers must post clear signs directing the public to the location of the nearest available changing table.

Governor of the state Andrew M. Cuomo said: “New York proudly leads the nation in fighting for the rights of working parents, and by ensuring access to these amenities, we will help ensure all New Yorkers can give their children the care they need at this critical stage of their lives.

“This legislation supports our efforts to make New York the nation’s model for working parents and helps make it a stronger, fairer and more equal state for all.”

The rule applies to restaurants, stores as well as other public facilities.

Nappy brand Pampers got involved in the campaign, promising to install 5,000 changing tables in men’s bathrooms across the US and Canada by 2021.

Let’s hope this movement goes around the world, ASAP!


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