Mom’s 66 lbs weight loss helped her overcome depression and gain self-worth
Mom Megan’s 66 lbs weight loss with The Healthy Mommy’s 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge has been a journey of self-discovery. Gaining self-worth and BODY CONFIDENCE.
She shares how she lost the baby weight with the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and the four very important reasons she has to keep living her best and healthiest life.
Megan is one of 7 inspiring moms who was invited to take part in an EPIC Healthy Mommy BODY CONFIDENCE photo shoot in Sydney.
The first of three photo shoots (with others in New York and London), these were designed to unite moms of all ages and sizes from around the globe to live happy, healthy lives and be BODY CONFIDENT.
She looked absolutely stunning on the day but says she hasn’t always been so confident. Here is her story.
“I’ve not always been kind to my body”
Mom-of-four Megan admits that she hasn’t always been kind to her body or treated it with the respect it deserved.
She says “I spent over 10 years allowing myself to let excuses stop me from looking after my health and fitness. Because they were just that……EXCUSES!
I hit rock bottom 9 years ago with the suicide of my husband and becoming a completely solo parent to two young children.
Eventually one day it clicked…I needed to change, I needed to get off my fat butt (and yes I said the “f” word because sometimes we need to be straight forward and practice tough love).
I needed to start moving my body and learning how to fuel myself correctly.
Not just for my two children but for myself because I was sick of catching glimpses of myself in mirrors. Hating what I saw and spending way too much time crying over what I had allowed myself to become. Knowing I was the only one responsible for everything I had done to reach that point”.
Missing out on fun with eldest two children
Megan was conscious that being overweight meant that she missed out on having a lot of fun with her two eldest children when they were young. She knew she no longer wanted to be like that.
She says “I no longer wanted my children to miss out on fun with their mom because she was too big to fit in a slide or run around the park.”
Starting her Healthy Mommy lifestyle
Shortly after having her third child Megan started her Healthy Mommy lifestyle.
“When I started the Healthy Mommy’s 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge I honestly believed it would take me a lot longer to drop the weight, but I have lost the weight and more.
Weight loss results – 66 lbs
Megan has lost 66 lbs in 9 months with the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.
How Megan lost the weight
Losing weight has come from eating nutritious meals from The Healthy Mommy’s 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge meal plans and upping her exercise.
She says “I mainly walk and have been since I joined. I aim for a 3-mile walk five days a week and a 5-mile walk one day a week. Occasionally I do a Bodypump session from YouTube. My step count is set at a minimum of 15,000 but I try to hit over 20,000 steps a day.
Breakfast is always a glass of warm water with lemon and apple cider vinegar, a hot drink and normally a ricotta and spinach roll from the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.
I snack on either choc chip banana bread or whatever muffin I’ve made in the afternoon, lunch is normally leftovers from dinner from the night before. Dinners are picked from the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, family friendly and quick, budget-friendly.
Evening snack is Greek yogurt with frozen berries. I occasionally have a smoothie for lunch if my partner or 16-year old takes my leftovers but I try to stick within 200 calories of my basal metabolic rate (BMR) calorie target.”
Roadblocks in weight loss journey
Regardless of how it may look from the outside, Megan says improving her health and fitness hasn’t always been a walk in the park.
She says “It has taken becoming vulnerable, opening myself up to change, battling the negativity and demons in my own head, lack of sleep and energy ( I’ve had 2 more children in the last 2.5 years) self-doubt, injuries.
I give 100 percent each and every day, no matter what because I deserve to feel amazing. I deserve to have body confidence, I deserve to love myself, I deserve to live a long, active, healthy and happy life”.
Sure, there have and will continue to be days where I’m in tears because humans are our worst enemy sometimes and those pesky inner voices will do their best to sabotage my journey but I am stronger than they will ever be again.
Megan’s advice to any others considering changing their life
“If you keep putting it off till tomorrow you’ll never see the results that you want to see.
Turning 40 this year and having just had bub number four and breastfeeding, I thought it would be almost impossible to drop the extra weight as my metabolism has always been slower but I put my health and fitness on my priority list, became a Healthy Mommy, stuck to the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and I haven’t looked back.
It hasn’t happened overnight, but my determination and consistency, as well as the incredible support from the Healthy Mommy community and amazing 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge app, has seen me drop 66 lbs in the last nine months and gained back my confidence, energy, and zest for life.”
The Healthy Mommy team would like to congratulate Megan on her AMAZING mental and physical transformation and for sharing her story with us.
Are you ready to become a Healthy Mommy?
Our Challenge is designed by moms FOR MOMS – to help them reach their goal weight and tackle their health and fitness.
The Challenge is home to customizable meal plans, 24/7 social support and realistic exercises moms can do AT HOME.
To find out more on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge click here.
*Images and references to pounds lost are as supplied by the individual in the story. The Healthy Mommy assumes information and photographs supplied to be true in nature and is not responsible for any false misrepresentations or claims relating to their programs or products.