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5 Weight Loss Moms SHOCKED. Fitting into clothes they haven’t worn in DECADES

Hoping to fit back into your pre-baby clothes but feel like it is an impossible goal? Well, we are here to tell you it is not.

Check out these five Healthy Mommies who have far surpassed their goal of wearing pre-baby clothes. They are fitting into clothes previously worn decades ago and pre-kids!

They discuss their shock and joy of achieving what they never thought possible.

1. Dani Stormont – fitting into teeny tiny jumpsuit originally worn 16 years prior and pre-kids.


Dani says “Messy hair….. really don’t care!

Something MASSIVE has happened!

This little jumpsuit I am wearing in my after photo…. I have had this since I was 24. I am turning 40 next month.

I haven’t fit into it since pre-baby days (12 years ago). IT FITS!

Shocked is an understatement! Give me a couple of months and it will look better on me then it did pre-pregnancies hahaha! The Healthy Mommy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge works!

This has just given me that bit of extra motivation!”.


Weight loss – 53 lbs. 

2. Kerrie O-Brien – wearing the same dress, 2 kids and 18 years later. Now it is too big!


Kerrie says “Wow! Age 31 VS 49.

18 years ago at the age of 31, I was wearing this dress the night I met my husband.

I was a size 10/12 back then and the dress is a size 10.

All these years I kept it hanging in the wardrobe in the hope that one day it would again finally fit. And now it not only fits but it’s WAY TOO BIG and I can grab half of the dress bunched up in my fist!

I never ever thought I would be able to fit in it again, let alone for it to be too big!

After we got married at age 34, I had 2 babies at 37 & 39 and I gained 66 lbs, going from size 10-12 to a size 18 at my biggest, with resulting different health issues.

I struggled to lose all the excess weight throughout my 40’s until I found The Healthy Mommy 2 years ago.

43 lbs gone, from size 14-16 size 6-8 in 24 months… and a whole lot of health, happiness, and confidence gained.

I had hoped one day for my pre-baby body back, but thanks to the Healthy Mommy I think I’ve got a better body than pre-baby. And better hair now too!”.

Weight Loss – 43 lbs

3. Julia Meadows – wearing same dress,  2 kids and 10 years later.


Julia says “On the left is me almost 10 years ago, age 25, a year and a half before I had kids. On the right is today, age 34 turning 35 next month, my youngest is 3.”

Weight Loss 24 lbs.

Read more about Julia’s weight loss journey here.

4. Shanyn Gray – fitting into high school graduation dress originally worn 16 years prior and pre 2 kids


Shanyn says “This dress was from when I was 17 (I am 33 now) and I have lost 77 lbs with The Healthy Mommy. I’ve got a 5-year-old and a 3-year-old, and am a full-time teacher.

I’m pretty impressed that I can fit into the dress, although I doubt I’ll wear it again. It’s nice to know I could if I wanted!”

Weight loss of 77 lbs.

5. Bec Jackson – wearing a silver dress bought 9 years prior on honeymoon and pre 3 kids.



Bec says “Silver dress I bought on my honeymoon when at my slimmest. I was 31 (9 years ago) and have had 3 kids since.

I have lost 59 lbs with The Healthy Mommy in the last 18 months. Gone from a size 14/16 to 6/8.

At the time I bought this outfit I was my lightest weight but with The Healthy Mommy, I am my fittest and most toned. It looks better now than when I bought it.

Although I was fit when I bought it, I never wore it because I didn’t have body confidence.

Now I have body confidence thanks to The Healthy Mommy!”.

Weight Loss 59 lbs.

Wow ladies, you looking AMAZING and are certainly are rocking those outfits from your pre-kid days!

Congratulations on your weight loss success with The Healthy Mommy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge

Are you ready to become a Healthy Mommy?

28 Day Challenge
Regain your body confidence with The Healthy Mommy’s 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

Our Challenge is designed by moms FOR MOMS – to help them reach their goal weight and tackle their health and fitness.

The Challenge is home to customizable meal plans, 24/7 social support and realistic exercises moms can do AT HOME.

To find out more on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge click here.

*Images and references to pounds lost are as supplied by the individual in the story. The Healthy Mommy assumes information and photographs supplied to be true in nature and is not responsible for any false misrepresentations or claims relating to their programs or products.

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