Moms who’ve lost 280lbs between them share their tips to help you smash your goals this month!
These five incredible moms have all had amazing weight loss success with The Healthy Mommy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges losing 280lbs between them and are sharing their TOP TIPS and advice for other moms who are also committed to changing their lives.
These moms are just five of this month’s ‘Motivating Moms’ who will be on hand in the Healthy Mommy community to keep you motivated and on track with your own weight loss goals. These truly inspirational women are living the Healthy Mommy lifestyle and reaping all the benefits that come with it.
Get their Top Weight Loss Tips Below
Courtney Thursfield – 60lbs weight loss
“I’ve been a Healthy Mommy for nearly three years. I use the app to track my meals
I’ve lost 60lbs with the Healthy Mommy. I use the app to track my meals, following the Healthy Mommy meal plan and added more walking into my week.”
Courtney’s Tips
- Start small and don’t get overwhelmed.
- Pick meals that suit your whole family. The pastas are an awesome way to start to get the family on board.
- Choose snacks that are simple and can be popped in the fridge ready to grab and go.
- Add more walking in, walk to school instead of drive or park a little further away. Go for family walks on a new track for fun and add in incidental exercise wherever you can.
Rebecca Harman – 54lbs weight loss
“I have been a 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge member for three years and loving every minute of it! I have lost 54lbs since my first baby 5 years ago.
I achieved my goals by staying consistent and motivated, I always set smaller goals so it seems less overwhelming and reset them when needed.”
Rebecca’s Top Tips
- Track your food and water intake to keep you mindful about what you are putting in your mouth, you’d be surprised how easy it is to nibble mindlessly.
- Don’t forget how far you’ve come! Check out your old progress photos as a reminder, this is a great motivation booster.
- Check in with the Healthy Mommy community, it’s a great way to keep each other motivated and accountable.
- Keep your meal plan interesting to keep your taste buds guessing and stop yourself from getting bored
- Don’t be hard on yourself, remember this is a journey and accept there will be ups and downs. When you fall down, just pick yourself up and dust yourself off!
Lauren Buckley – 43lbs weight loss
“I’ve been a Healthy Mommy for over three years now. Joining after my second child was born. I had really good success. But then life happened. I went back to work. I started to drop down the priority list. One year ago – I decided I was uncomfortable with some weight creep and it was time to find the way for me to firmly move up that priority list.
I’ve lost over 43lbs with Healthy Mommy. But more than that. I’ve lost the yo-yo diet mindset that thought that extreme calorie restriction was the only way I could lose weight.
Instead, I’ve found a wonderful community, friends and a deeper sense of self confidence.”
Lauren’s Top Tips
- It’s ok if you are uncomfortable with the scales or find them confronting. There are plenty of ways to track your journey. I find taking my measurements and regular photos really help me to see the changes.
- If you aren’t so great at water intake like me – invest in a half gallon water bottle and start drinking.
- Make time for you! I kick-started my exercise routine by looking for the opportunity to work out just 3-4 times a week for 30 mins. Over time I’ve gotten better at my routine and finding that time for me. And everyone in my family is better for it.
- Consistency is everything. Let go of the idea of perfect. What is perfect? The perfect day is like a unicorn. Hard to find and isn’t very sustainable in the long term. This isn’t a diet. This is about setting up a lifestyle change. My mindset really changed when I decided that I would focus on being consistent instead of chasing perfection.
Tegan Palmer – 43lbs weight loss
“I’ve been with the Healthy Mommy for three years. I’ve been able to lose 43lbs with The Healthy Mommy. I’ve been able to reduce medications for an under active thyroid and my PCOS symptoms have slightly improved.”
Tegan’s Top Tips
- Take time to search through and get to know and navigate the app first. Learn about all the nifty features it has.
- Record your food in the app. It really helps to keep you on track.
- Customise the meal plan to what you and your family already like or to suit the budget you have. The first two or three shops are the most expensive as your accumulating products you’ve most likely not used before. Don’t let this dishearten you.
- Print off your meal plan so you can visually see it too
- Meal prep will be your best friend and help on a number of different occasions. Take time whenever you can and meal prep either a lunch/dinner or snack recipe for the freezer.
- Mostly, reach out and ask for help. There are so many women on the support groups with a wealth of knowledge around weight loss, exercise and the HealthyMommy and products.
- Find your support system- whether it be hubby, family or friends or reaching out on the support group or a local consultant group.
Kate Kernan – 67lbs weight loss
“I have been following the Healthy Mommy for five years. and have lost 67lbs. I started slowly incorporated free recipes, calculated my BMR , taught myself to understand that side of things then signed up to the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges and haven’t looked back.”
Kate’s Top Tips
- Knowing your goals is SO important, I find writing them down, having them sitting somewhere you see them often helps a lot – A constant reminder is great!
- Find what works for you! For me – I need to plan ahead, schedule prep & exercise, plus always have snacks on hand, this helps keep me on track.
- You may feel like you are failing in the beginning, HOWEVER, remember, EVERY healthy choice is a step forward.
- If you feel overwhelmed, reach out for help! There is an army of women willing to help and motivate you back to when you need to be.
- Last of all, it is SO important to look after yourself, we often need to be reminded of this. You can not look after others if your batteries are flat, time to charge them up!
AMAZING TIPS!!! Thank you ladies!
Join these incredible women on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge!
If you are wanting to lose weight and improve your energy – not to mention – help improve your overall health and wellbeing – our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge is an awesome program to check out.
Our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge includes:
- 28 days of at home exercise routines (no gym needed) – with video instruction
- Customizable and breastfeeding friendly meal plans (including 7 Day Cleanse)
- Time-efficient exercises for busy mums
- Challenge combines Pilates exercises with interval and circuit training (HIIT)
- Suitable for basic to advanced fitness levels
- Home to thousands of EASY-TO-MAKE recipes!
To learn more about our 28 DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE CLICK HERE.