Tips to losing tummy fat and toning your bum from 3 of our moms
When it comes to weight loss most moms want to lose the excess fat that accumulates around their tummy and tone their bum.
These three moms have not only had amazing transformations but have successfully lost belly fat and toned their bums, they are sharing their top tips to help other moms do the same.
3 moms’ tips to toning your tum and bum
Zena Mason has lost an amazing 44lbs
Zena says, “Before Healthy Mommy I lived my life on high sugar, highly processed foods. I never knew how simple and quick it would be to make things from scratch.
My results came from a complete change of my foods mainly, drinking water instead of sugary drinks, walking, and Healthy Mommy exercises. My favorites are the boxing, Tabata, box jumps and core workouts.
The best thing is I have not ever given up bread, chocolate or coffee! The Healthy Mommy app is my best friend.”
My secrets to success
- Getting your food right matters so much.
- Do not underestimate the power of H2O.
- Any bit of movement is better than none, I park my car further away at work, I use the stairs as exercise on my lunch break and I do my squats on my toilet breaks.
- Recording my calories and accounting for things I normally would ignore was crucial for me. I had too many sneaky coffees which added to my calories.
- Do not rely on the scales solely for your happiness, there is so much more going on.
Melissa Timmer has lost a massive 80lbs
Tips for tighter tum and bum
- Food and water are crucial to achieving results, cut out any process foods like chips, cakes, and candy. You must be also drinking 8 glasses of water a day.
- Vegetables, lots of them and choosing the right ones. Broccoli and sweet potato are two of my favorites.
- Keep your protein up, especially after a good weights workout!
- Boxing is great for the core. Your core will be locked on for the whole session which will help tone.
- Leg raises, sumo squats, squats, lunges, frog jumps, wall sits, a mix of these will help get the booty on its way to a better tone and shape
Shanyn Gray has lost 77lbs
My top 5 tips for losing my tummy and toning my bum are
- Following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge …Don’t feel like you have to go without ANYTHING on the challenge. As long as you stay within your calories for the day, YOU WILL SEE RESULTS.
- Following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge … exercise. Check out your app ladies!! Heaps and heaps of exercises. They even have a whole ‘Butt and Thigh’ workout section.
- On Wednesdays we squat!! Get on board ladies, your butt will thank you!!
- Walk, walk and walk. Walking is a great butt toner.
- Focus on building your core. Again, check out your Healthy Mommy app. Heaps of core exercises. These will help your tum.
Thanks for sharing your tips with us ladies! Keep on toning those bums and tums.
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The Challenge is home to customizable meal plans, 24/7 social support and realistic exercises moms can do AT HOME.
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*Images and references to pounds lost are as supplied by the individual in the story. The Healthy Mommy assumes information and photographs supplied to be true in nature and is not responsible for any false misrepresentations or claims relating to their programs or products.