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Walking EVERY DAY helped this mom lose 42 lbs and tone her tummy

If you’ve never exercised before and want to start your weight loss journey, DON’T PANIC. You don’t need to buy expensive gym equipment to get started. You can start off by taking it slow.

When combined with a healthy, balanced diet, a little bit of exercise a day can go a VERY long way.

Kylie Martin has lost 42 lbs by following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and she started off by walking every day.

Starting off slowly

Kylie has been following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and wasn’t doing much exercise.

“I started with a 2-mile walk every day and eventually I was walking up to 6 miles,” she says.

“My children are four, three and two and don’t go to daycare, so I just walked late at night while my husband was at home or did it when I could.”

Finding the strength, motivation, and determination to do more

After a few weeks of following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, Kylie tried her best to squeeze in the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge workouts where (and when) possible – like when her kids were sleeping.

4 months later, she found that she was wanting to push herself more and focus on toning up.

“Following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge has worked for me because it’s so family-friendly,” she says.

“I joined a gym recently to work on trimming and toning up my body and try to go every day first thing.”


Kylie’s top tips for a flatter tummy

“Walking is fantastic to flatten your tummy. I’m now also doing the core exercises from the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge to tone up my jiggly bits,” she says.

What’s more, Kylie says she is a huge fan of the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge Core Workout exercises to help tone and tighten her tummy.

“I needed The Healthy Mommy for my mental health as well as physical health and I’m so thankful I found it.”

Did you know that the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge has core workouts that are designed to tighten the tummy, reduce the belly fat and strengthen your core muscles?


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