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8 ways dads can make a breastfeeding mom’s life easier

Breastfeeding may seem like a one person job, i.e. for the parent with the breasts, but there are a HEAP of ways dads can get involved and help too!

In the beginning, nursing can be a lot of hard work for both moms and bubs until they get into a groove. But dads still play an important part in the breastfeeding process.

Here are eight ways dads can get involved…

8 ways dads can make a breastfeeding mom’s life easier

1. Be on burping duty

Once mom’s finished filling up baby, dad can get in some snuggles by helping to burp baby. This gives mom the chance to eat, jump in the shower or take a nap!

2. Fetch water

Breastfeeding can be thirsty work for moms! So dads make sure both she and your little one is hydrated by being on water duty.

3. Make snacks

Nursing is not only thirsty work, but it can also work up a mama’s appetite too. There’s nothing us moms appreciate more than snacks to have on hand after feeding our bubs.

4. Keep guests busy

Some moms feed in front of their guests, while other prefer to do it in private. Whichever you prefer to do, it may help to have your partner on hand to help keep guests entertained, or control who comes over if you’re struggling with feedings.

5. Be supportive

Breastfeeding can be physically and emotionally exhausting, especially if there are latching issues or cracked nipples. Listen and encourage her, it will make a huge difference to her self esteem.

6. Take the nappies out

If your partner is feeding your bubs, then why not make yourself useful and take the nappies out to the bin or clean up the sink or put the dishwasher on?

Those small tasks make a big difference to a tired mom.

7. Wake up with her to feed

Breastfeeding at first requires around the clock feeding, and that also means in the middle of the night also.

While dads may not always be able to get up and help all of the time, due to work, waking up and either changing a nappy before going back to bed or having a chat can make all of the difference.

8. Run a bath

When caring for a new baby it can be hard to find the time to take a shower or even use the toilet, so why not run her a bath for after a feed while you take the baby. She’ll thank you for it.

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