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How to take your body measurements ACCURATELY

When you are following a weight loss plan – like the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, it is important to take measurements as well as use the scales to gauge your weight loss results.

If you have begun exercising, you may also be toning up and gaining lean muscle which means the scales doesn’t move – but you will most likely find that your measurements have in fact gone down.

So it is important to understand that often you will find that even if you haven’t lost the pounds you have in fact lost inches. And that is VERY motivating.

How to take your body measurements – Top tips

  • Always use a cloth measuring tape, not a metal one, as it’s much more accurate.
  • Do your measurements in the nude first thing in the morning, it’s the best way to avoid your clothes getting in the way as well as steering clear of post-meal bloating.
  • Breathe normally and don’t ‘suck in’ to get a better number as it won’t be reflective of your true statistics.
  • Measure in front of a mirror, to ensure that your tape is straight. This is especially important when measuring hips as it’s hard to see if your tape is in line.
  • Remember to write them down, as it would be impossible to remember them all. Plus you can then see your progress over time.
  • Pull the tape so that it is snug but not too tight.
  • Be consistent with your measuring. If you need to, write down exactly where you measured so that you remember each time you do it.


Place one end of the tape measure at the fullest part of your breast, which is usually your nipple. Wrap the rest of the tape around your back and under your arms to join back up.


This is measured just under your breasts, where your bra line goes.


Your waist is easy to find. It’s the natural fold that you get when you bend over to one side. Located just above your belly button, it tends to be the smallest part on your torso. Place one end of the tape above your belly button and bring the other side of the tape around your back to join up again.


Use your belly button as the measuring point for your stomach. The key is just to be consistent and this makes it super easy to do so.


Measure at the widest point of your hips or bottom. It’s really important to be in front of a mirror for this one as it’s tough to see if your tape is level.


Use the fullest part of your thigh as the point to measure. This may be ever so slightly different on each leg so you will need to measure both separately.

Upper Arms

Once again it’s the fullest part that you want to measure. Be sure to write down the measurement for each arm separately. Often your dominant arm can be more muscular (as it’s used for lifting bags, babies, and shopping) which can affect the numbers.


On each leg, measure the largest part of your lower leg.

How to take your body measurements ACCURATELY

And remember – the scales don’t always tell the truth

As you begin exercising, you will gain lean muscle tissue, a substance which weighs more and is denser than fat. So you may actually see the number on the scales increase.

Even though the scale may not be moving, it doesn’t mean that you’re not getting smaller. Muscle is more dense than fat, so it takes up less space. You can be in a smaller pair of jeans and not be any lighter on the scale – and this is why we advise to take measurements each week as well as weighing yourself.

It is also a good point to note that this extra lean muscle tissue has added benefits too – not only will you appear smaller, but muscle will help raise your metabolism too which helps to burn more fat – win win!

Are you ready to become a Healthy Mommy?

28 Day Challenge
Regain your body confidence with The Healthy Mommy’s 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

Our Challenge is designed by moms FOR MOMS – to help them reach their goal weight and tackle their health and fitness.

The Challenge is home to customizable meal plans, 24/7 social support and realistic exercises moms can do AT HOME.

To find out more on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge click here.

*Images and references to pounds lost are as supplied by the individual in the story. The Healthy Mommy assumes information and photographs supplied to be true in nature and is not responsible for any false misrepresentations or claims relating to their programs or products.

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