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5 EASY ways to fight fatigue

Most mothers find their brain is constantly spinning and they’re running on zero energy after experiencing a string of sleepless nights.

Haley Bartlett has lost 35 lbs through the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and has boosted her energy in a number of ways. Here are 5 easy ways she fights fatigue…

5 EASY ways to boost your energy levels

“Having enough energy to get through the day has been a struggle of mine lately,” says Haley. “Always tired, finding myself falling asleep mid-afternoon and struggling to get motivated because of it. 

“I know this is not normal for myself, so time to make some changes to boost my energy levels.”

Here’s what I have focused on to gain my energy back:

1. Sleep

I started going to bed half an hour earlier each night, and I’ve felt like I’ve had so much more energy the next day.

2. Drinking more water


Many of us are regularly dehydrated, so it’s important to up your water intake. I start every morning with a glass of water and keep my water bottle with me wherever I go. 

3. Meditation

Doing the Mind.Body.Breath sessions from the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge app. I found I was able to fall asleep easier and was more rested the next morning.

The Healthy Mommy Mind.Body.Breath sessions are designed to support mindful motherhood (and compliment your exercise program while following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge).

It is designed to help reduce stress and improve mood among pregnant women and early moms, enhance your connection with self-care practices and really thrive through the transformation of motherhood. 

4. Healthy Snacks 

“Snickers” Bars

Every afternoon, around 2:30 pm, I enjoy a 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge snack that I’ve prepared for the week. It gives me that pick me up for the rest of the day.

Some of my favorites include the Snickers Bars, a healthy chocolate chip muffin, or some bliss balls.

5. Exercise

Getting out for a walk each day not only clears my mind but gets my body energized again. I also put a focus on completing 30 minutes of exercise from the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge app.

All these changes have given me a big boost in my energy levels and have helped clear my mind too.

The Healthy Mommy app has honestly been a lifesaver for me over the past 11 months!

Haley’s 35 lb weight loss story 

Haley has lost an INCREDIBLE 35 lbs through the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, and she says she’s a HUGE fan.

“As a mom to three young children who wants to get as many nutrients into their diet as possible, I use the app to make the meals they love,” she says.

“A quick search in the recipe hub of their favorite ingredients and bingo! The whole family is eating a meal that is nutritious and delicious.

“The app comes with me everywhere! I can access it at any time of the day to know what’s for dinner, keep track of my calorie and water intake and I’ve got a PT in my pocket. What more could I need!?”

Haley says that she spends some time each week planning her meals.

“I plan meals around my kids and husband and can honestly say I rarely get any complaints,” she says.

“By following the meal and exercise plan I have been able to lose 35 lbs and 25 inches! I feel like a new woman! Meal time stress is gone, exercise is no longer boring and I have all my information and progress in one handy spot.

“Joining the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and using the app has been the easiest and best decision I have made for me and my family. Even my hubby can use it!”

Are you ready to become a Healthy Mommy?

28 Day Challenge
Regain your body confidence with The Healthy Mommy’s 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

Our Challenge is designed by moms FOR MOMS – to help them reach their goal weight and tackle their health and fitness.

The Challenge is home to customizable meal plans, 24/7 social support and realistic exercises moms can do AT HOME.

To find out more on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge click here.

*Images and references to pounds lost are as supplied by the individual in the story. The Healthy Mommy assumes information and photographs supplied to be true in nature and is not responsible for any false misrepresentations or claims relating to their programs or products.

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